Creative FBM workshop in Barbados

In September 2015, Girl Guides Association of Barbados held a three day Free Being Me workshop and spread the body confidence message with their peers!

Barbados FBM workshop Sep 2015 8During this workshop the girls were able to complete all the activities within the programme.   The highlights were the ice breakers, interactive games, the news/articles presentation, and the role model discussion.

From all accounts the girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves and expressed a true understanding of the principles of the Free Being Me programme at the wrap-up session. They closed with a catered lunch where they planned their  ‘Take Action ‘plan; it was decided that a ‘Girls’ Party’ would be held and Brownies from 11 units would be invited.

The Girls’ Party was held on September 26, 2015 at “Pax Hill” where 18 Brownies hosted and entertained 36 Brownies. The Brownies exposed their guests to the Free Being Me Programme through poetry, dance, drama and songs. They held interactive sessions in small groups where they discussed in depth what they learnt and shared their “special boxes” thereby facilitating a transfer of information that sparked a real interest in the programme.

This session ended with the guest recording what they learnt from their host who received their badges and memorabilia from Ms. Jennah Parris, one of the FBM coordinators from Barbados.

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