When Riffat and her group completed the Action on Body Confidence programme, they had a brilliant idea for their Action Project. We interviewed the troop from Quetta, Baluchistan to find out more…
1) What was the aim of your Action Project?
To convince a radio producer to broadcast a 30 minute program to highlight girls with exceptional skills and encourage the audiences to focus more on their abilities and potentials.
2) Which decision maker(s) did you reach out to?
The radio producer
3) How did you involve the community in your project?
Senior Guides raised awareness about the Image Myth and its sources among their fellow students. The students signed a petition and sent it to the radio producer to stop promoting Image Myth.
4) What were the main activities you did as part of your project?
• Guides talked to their fellow students about the Image Myth and body confidence.
• A petition was signed by the students of the college demanding change in the formats of radio programs to promote positive body image.
• Guides contacted the radio producer with the petition and were invited to participate in a program by the producer.
• Guides participated in the program and highlighted the Action on Body Confidence program and how it has effected on their personalities.
• During the program listeners shared their experiences of being bullied as well and how it affected their personalities.
• Guides also organized an awareness session for the community and through different activities emphasized upon them to focus more on their skills and abilities rather than looks.
5) Did your decision maker make the change you wanted?
Yes, the decision maker agreed to make changes in the format of their programs and try to change the society’s mind-set and invited the Guides in the program to support the initiative.
6) How did running your Action Project make you feel?
It was really an amazing experience to raise awareness in our society to reduce these kinds of social pressures and we feel proud that we have worked for something very positive and have achieved our goal!
Do you have an Action Project to share? Share your story with the world here!