Day 6 at Indonesia´s National Jamboree

In August 2016, Free Being Me came to JAMNAS, the Scouts of Indonesia´s national jamboree, reaching over 2000 participants through FBM taster sessions! Titiek Farhana, from Girl Guides Singapore tells us her experiences as a facilitator.



I got the opportunity to teach the scouts with special needs at the end of the day. Some of the scouts were hearing impaired and some were not able to speak. There were also scouts who were autistic and others who had other forms of special needs. I learned the most from them as through my interactions, I had to adapt to their needs and adjust the way I had been teaching. This workshop was important especially so for them, as it teaches them to appreciate what they have when society sees them as disabled. One of the changes I adapted was to write my instructions and questions on the board and also to get their scout leader to use sign language to convey the message I intended.

It was another humbling moment for me when the boys shared with us the things they appreciate about themselves and what their bodies can do. It was a sensitive topic to discuss about the “Putera Sempurna” which is the “Perfect Man” when conducting The Image Myth activity but the boys were very responsive and had high self-esteem to know that they are also able bodied by the end of the workshop.
