Greetings from the beautiful Khayalami’ Girl Guides South Africa Centre in South Africa! The Centre’s name means ‘Our House’ in Zulu, and all here have been made to feel very welcome.
There are 15 MOs represented here at this training from all over Africa, and 28 participants. Many of us knew each other already as we’ve taken part in the #Preparedtolearn training, so now we’re ready to find out more about one of WAGGGS’ key programmes.
Opening Ceremony:
The free Being Me Training for Africa Region, English Speaking Countries was officially launched with an opening speech by the Chief Commissioner of Girl Guides South Africa, Mrs. Zine Midyibi. She welcomed the 28 participants and reminded them to make the best of the training sessions as they are ambassadors of their MOs.
WAGGGS HQ was amply represented by facilitators, volunteers and staff.
Alphonsine Kabagabo, the Africa Regional Director appreciated the Girl Guides of South Africa for hosting the event and reminded the participants to merge the knowledge and skills they have learned in “Prepared to Learn, Prepared to Lead” and in the “Free Being Me” experiences.
The day was a superb beginning to the efforts of both Dove and WAGGGS which is elegantly represented by their joint Mission which states; To empower girls to reach their full potential by strengthening their body confidence and self-esteem.
The leaders being trained could not agree more.
Following Guiding methods, the day was climaxed by music and dance from the GGSA at a bright campfire where participants enjoyed different dances and taught their own to the group.
Compiled by The Green learning group