Hello friends of Free Being Me,
My name is Supawadee Ketsakorn, but friends can call me Pui! I’m a leader and trainer of Girl Guides from the northern region of Thailand. In want to share my learning experience from the Free Being Me Training.
I found many of the activities in Free being Me interesting and also fun to do, including the mirror mirror challenge, stopping body talk, and creating our own magazine.
I have gained more knowledge through participating in these activities and I had fun at the same time. But the thing that I liked the most was how to plan a Take Action Project!! We learned and followed a new process and method. Now I think that all trainers, including myself, are aware on the issue of body confidence. We can make it our mission to spread the message of body confidence and to speak out to girls or the others that don’t know about Free Being Me.
I am convinced Free Being Me will benefit the girls in Thailand. The girls can develop themselves, and they can also help in the personal development of their friends by using friend corners under Free Being Me project and through Take Action Projects. The girls will understand their potential and they will feel proud of themselves. We can continue to encourage them until they can leave the old, bad attitude behind them. They will develop self esteem and have positive thinking and positive attitude.
We hope that this will help them solve many problems that will occur in their lives for example: poverty, discrimination, limited role in society, sexualisation and objectification, violence at home, unemployment and so on.
Finally I believe that Free Being Me will help our girls grow stronger. They can bring change, they can be chill and can make the choices in their lives.
I want to thank WAGGGS and the Global Trainers, Katerina and Ariana, for bringing this programme into our lives and our girls in Thailand.