Ackissah Baluti is my name. Aged 22, I’m a young woman from Malawi with so much passion in enhancing the living standards of my fellow girls and youth. This is my Free Being Me journey:
Since the time I took part in the Free Being Me programme and involved myself in different Free Being Me trainings, it has changed my life and how I behave as a young woman. I now understand who I am and what I can be, apart from my academic experience. It has made me recognise my potential as a young woman, and this has helped me create a sense of self confidence.
I am now a young woman who is able to stand on my own against different issues which i know can put my life in danger without any fear. This has taught me how I can value myself without waiting for someone to value me first. This has also helped my peers to understand how important they are because I have been there for them, teaching them how they can overcome different situations through Free Being Me. The programme has also increased girls’ performances in their classes because they now understand that they can also do better than boys.
This has made me value my nature and personality, to appreciate how I was born and be proud of it without thinking of changing my body colour. It has also helped in my career understanding, because I know myself better and where I want to go in life. Free Being Me has taught me to never give up in life but to try hard. I am proud to be black, I always say no to skin bleaching, and I am proud of who I am!