About this story

Name: Makeup doesn’t make you beautiful, being yourself does
Troop name: Newcastle 25th Brownies

At Newcastle 25th Brownies we have been working towards our Free Being Me badge, including a fantastic visit from Peer Mentors who came into our Brownie group at the start and did some fab stuff to start us off! We have been working through the Free Being Me activity pack over the past few weeks and to finish off we got the girls to design a T-shirt with a positive message – they all did us very proud and here are some of our favourite messages!

“Love yourself the way you are. Be you”
“Makeup doesn’t make you beautiful, being yourself does”
“It’s not about your looks, it’s about your personality”
“Everybody is beautiful in their own way”

We definitely think the Free Being Me pack has made a large impact on our girls and they have definitely got the right message!

Our girls have enjoyed all the activities that we have done with them and we as leaders think it’s an excellent resource and so it is so easy with week by week plans all ready to follow!
