‘Remember that you’re beautiful the way you are!” Day 2 and 3 Global Training @Pax Lodge


Day 2 – from the FABULOUS patrol

Going into the 2nd day of the Free Being Me programme, we started the day with the usual flag ceremony and reflection of the day.IMG_7182


Continuing to work on the activity packs for 11 – 14 years old, we looked further into the areas of sharing personal qualities and what you like best about yourself. The most encouraging twist of the programme was to get girls to appreciate themselves and be more confident about who they are rather than how they appear.


After lunch, we worked on the 7 – 10 years old activity packs. We were given a chance to experience being the facilitators for the younger girls as well as preparing and carrying out the compulsory activities in a group setting.  The feedback from the trainers and participants was more than great and we had the opportunity to act, sing and invent our own media commercials. We have seen some really great talents among us in the group!!


An intense and insightful day, each of us was in deep thought of our ‘Take Action Plan’. Concluding the day on a light note, it was time for the walking London Tour under the guidance of the lovely Pax Lodge volunteers. Be it for sightseeing or relaxation, it was really enjoyable!!


Day 3: 

The final day of the Free being Me training gave participants the chance to take whatIMG_7196 they’ve learned about Free Being Me and think about how to make it happen in their own Member Organisation. This is where it gets even more exciting!!

There were inspiring and useful sessions on communication and fundraising from WAGGGS staff members Karen and Paul, giving everyone the chance to practice telling the world about Free Being Me, and inspiring other organisations or individuals to help support the body confidence revolutions going on in in each MO.

We also had the chance to find out about other WAGGGS programmes – check out the fantastic World Thinking Day activities, and the Surf Smart programme.

Participants then spent the afternoon in Member Organisation and Regional groups, planning and working on solutions and ideas together,  to bring FBM not only to girls and boys in their own organisations, but to those in neighbouring countries too. We want everyone to be involved!

At our closing ceremony, we had the opportunity to thank all involved in making this event a success, and received a Pax Lodge pin, as well as the Free Being Me badges, ready to take back and start rewarding girls and boys taking part in the programme. A full and busy weekend, full of new friends and new information – everyone left exhausted, but excited for the next step in our Free Being Me journeys.










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