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Name: ‘Wow what a day!’ Free Being Me in Australia
Country: Australia

The next stop in the Free Being Me Global Trainers’ Asia Pacific tour was Australia. Hear from some of the participants below to find out what happened!

Day 1:

Wow! What a day. Our brains are about to burst with all the new and interesting information we have taken in. After some fun ice breakers to wake us up we started with a brief overview of the Free Being Me program and the objectives that are driving it.


We moved on to some activities that introduced us to the key concepts within the program with a trivia competition that was energetic and just a little competitive! After lunch we delved deeper into the 11-14 year old activity pack and participated in the core activities for the first four sessions. There were beauty bubbles, text messages, saying no to body talk and role plays galore!

Quote of the day: “The only things that make a good bikini body is a body and a bikini to put on it!”

We look forward to seeing what tomorrow brings; but our brains are full for today and ready for some well deserved sleep!

Lea & Caitlin

Day 2IMG_2839

Day 2 began with a reflections activity where we made groups of a specific number and shared our ‘Mirror Mirror’ activity.

In our next session we learned by further experiencing the 11-14 curriculum by designing a t-shirt with a powerful message. Some of the messages ‘The real you is the best you’. We then continued to plan our Take Action project by creating ideas of how we would take the Free Being Me message further.

A great idea included making videos of us describing what we had learnt during the program and then sharing  and discussing the video with our friends.

IMG_2781Breaking into two groups we found our inner child and participated and ran the activities from the 7-10 syllabus. Some favourites included ‘Once Upon A Time’ complete with enthusiastic actions and artistic Milly and Gilly drawings. We also displayed great passion in our desire to spread our message by producing a great musical number, singing along to the hit ‘Just the Way You Are’ by Bruno Mars in the Change the Media activity.

Wrapping up a great day, we left eager to commence planning the implementation of Free Being Me across Australia.

Elyse and Katherine


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