About the Free Being Me activities
The Free Being Me activities will lead your group through a body confidence-boosting journey of discovery.
Is it really true that everyone has to look a certain way to be beautiful, or is it a myth? Where does this idea come from – and how can we stop it?
Your group will have fun working together to challenge beauty myths, and planning ways to take action to pass on the body confidence message and help others feel free to be themselves.
Once your group has completed their Take Action Project, they can receive a great badge to reward them for taking part and making a difference.
What is included in the activity packs?

You can choose between two sets of activities – one for 7-10s and one for 11-14s.
You will also be supported by a Leader Guide.
All materials, including activity sheets and detailed descriptions of each activity are included. Most of the activities need little or no extra materials except pens and paper.
How many sessions will I need to run?
There is material for five sessions of 90 minutes, plus a Take Action project. If you need to run more shorter sessions or fewer, longer sessions, this is fine – as long as the activities are run in order.
There are stars on the activities that are compulsory to gain the badge.
Participants should be given the Personal Challenges to do between sessions.
How should I prepare?
To ensure the activities are run safely and that they make a real impact for the children and young people taking part, anyone running Free Being Me activities should read the Leader Guide.
We recommend that you also take part in our Free Being Me e-learning course, for leaders and peer educators.
Some WAGGGS Member Organizations will offer training opportunities for leaders in how to deliver Free Being Me – ask your Member Organization for more information.