What if we told you that your body is amazing? What if we told you that you can be your own superhero?
Last week we challenged Rovers and Rangers to think differently about the way they see themselves and how they perceive beauty, in a series of workshops at Roverway 2016.
Our team of six fantastic facilitators kick-started the body confidence revolution, inspiring over 300 participants to be confident in who they are and spread the Free Being Me message.
‘We learnt that everybody is beautiful in his or her own way. We really enjoyed the Mirror Mirror activity- at the beginning you’re shy to say what you like about yourself, and after a while you begin to be more proud.’
Andrea, Spain
This confidence was reflected in the Free Being Me tent too where participants shared their own #freebeingme bubbles:
‘You don’t have to look like someone else to be beautiful!’
‘You can NEVER be perfect, but you can ALWAYS be yourself.’
‘Be who you want to be, not what others want to see.’
Participants also spread the Free Being Me message with their peers, creating their own Take Action projects in the camp:
Rovers reflect on what makes them beautiful.
Handing out real compliments to passers-by!
Participants were also inspired to take Free Being Me back to their own countries:
We think the programme is really relevant for young people in Germany- especially boys actually. It’s not seen as ‘manly’ to talk about this issue, yet boys lack self-confidence too. We’re looking forward to doing Free Being Me with our group when we get home.’
Antonia & Michelle, Germany
They say that young people are the agents of change. Here at Roverway young people led and shared the Free Being Me message, inspiring us all to value ourselves and not let social pressures define our own beauty.
A big thank you to our team of Free Being Me Facilitators- Agnes, Fliss, Nikos, Nellie, Nynke and Patricia, and to all of you that joined and will continue the movement for a more body-confident world!