The daily update from Day 2 of Free Being Me training in Sweden:
During the second day of the Free Being Me training we worked mostly with the activity pack for 7-10 year olds. The activities we tried were fun and we all appreciated to sing and run during the Pelele game. We also liked the Mirror-Mirror task even if it felt a little bit strange to say to others what you like about yourself and your body. It is really important to say it out loud sometimes and remind ourselves how fantastic our bodies are. We think that it will change your thoughts about yourself and make you happier!
We also spent some time to figure out different ways to do take action projects. It was a creative session and we came up with a lot of nice t-shirt-messages e.g. ‘KEEP CALM and be free to be you!’
We got the opportunity to lead, by ourselves or in a pair, one activity from the 7-10 activity pack. It was exciting to see how to lead an activity and how easy it was to get the group active. You could actually feel the happiness in the group and we think everyone felt secure and willing to share their stories.
During the last session we divided in three groups and the task was to think how we could implement Free Being Me in Sweden. In 2017 we have a national Jamboree and our plan is to deliver Free Being Me activities to at least 3000 guides and scouts at the camp. Hopefully their leaders will see how great Free Being Me is and bring it back home to their local scout group! We will also deliver Free Being Me training for more scout leaders, we are translating e-learning courses and we will inspire local groups in different ways.
All the fun things must come to an end and after participants received their certificates, it was time to say goodbye to each other. We are all very happy for the weekend and full of new insights. Now we go home and take the first step to deliver Free Being Me in Sweden!