Free Being Me would like to congratulate Lucy-Anne Holmes, GirlGuiding UK and all those involved in the ‘No More Page 3’ campaign for working tirelessly to advocate for the equal and fair treatment of women in the media.
It was announced yesterday (20 January 2015) that the British Newspaper, ‘The Sun’ would stop publishing images of topless women on Page 3, a 44 year-old tradition which is simply unacceptable in a modern society and portrays a misleading image of women as nothing more than sexualised objects, that only conform to one stereotype of beauty. The success of this campaign has proven that we can bring about genuine change in misguided attitudes towards women and it is another vital step towards breaking down the Image Myth.
We hope that all who have taken part in the Free Being Me programme and all who would like to in future, are encouraged and inspired by the determination and passion of those who campaigned for change. By spreading and teaching other girls and boys what you have learnt, you too can help encourage a healthy, fair and modern view of women. This is a great victory for women in the UK and worldwide but there is still so much work to be done in changing global beliefs and attitudes towards women.
Further information on the role Girlguiding UK played in this campaign can be found at: http://www.girlguiding.org.uk/news/no_more_page_3.aspx
This was the article we had hoped to post but unfortunately, as of today (22 January 2015) The Sun has backtracked on its promise to abolish Page 3 and an image of a topless woman has once more returned. It seems that it was all just a publicity stunt by The Sun and demonstrates that they will stoop to the lowest levels to increase their readership numbers. The campaign is therefore back on and far from being a setback, this simply means that they need even more support and the efforts of as many women and men as possible to bring an ultimate end to Page 3. Visit the campaign website at http://nomorepage3.org/ to find out more and sign the petition. Free Being Me fully supports this campaign to end the objectification and sexualisation of women.