Free Being Me takes off in Sudan!
From 17- 19 May 2017 Sudan held its first Free Being Me training event, training leaders all over the country in the programme. Two trainers from Syria, Rim Yacoub and Sham Al Dahan, travelled to Sudan to facilitate the training and share their experiences of delivering Free Being Me in their own association.
See the daily update of Day 1:
The program started by letting the participants enter through two gates; “Beautiful” and “Average”, after which we sat in patrols and exchanged ideas: ‘Which gate did you enter and why?’ Then we watched a film about Dove’s poll in the Choose Beautiful Campaign, which was done in the same way in several countries around the world.
The session was honored with the attendance of representatives of the Ministry of Education who gave a speech to welcome the attendees. Then the training began with Rim introducing the Dove Self-Esteem Project and the partnership with WAGGGS. At the end of the session we drew a tree: the roots representing body confidence, the trunk representing self-esteem, the branches leadership and the fruits us reaching our fullest potential.
After a break, “Free Being Me” continued and the program’s work strategy was explained, which led to the introducing of “The Image Myth” and activities from the 11- 14 pack. In the afternoon we continued the 11-14 activities and the session was honored with a speech about self-esteem from Dr. Soumaya Abu Kushwa –Minister of Higher Education.
Tender Patrol