‘It gave everyone something to think about!’ OB-PS UK gathering try out Free Being Me

35 Olave Baden-Powell Society members from across the UK gathered IMG_5510on 19 March at Pax Lodge.

It was a chance to catch up and also discuss how could they can continue their great work supporting WAGGGS fundraising and how to encourage more recruits to OB-PS. They had a special chance to take part in Free Being Me activities, led by our very own Global Trainer, Ariana. Everyone enjoyed defining the image myth for themselves, learning about beauty myths around the world, and writing their own inspirational messages for girls and young women in their own lives.


Find out more about OB-PS

Free Being Me! Surrounded by the World Bureau’s collection of guiding pics of inspiring members from down the ages
Natalie Webber with her poem celebrating being Free Being Me whatever your shape and size!

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