Free Being Me takes off in Sudan!
From 17- 19 May 2017 Sudan held its first Free Being Me training event, training leaders all over the country in the programme. Two trainers from Syria, Rim Yacoub and Sham Al Dahan, travelled to Sudan to facilitate the training and share their experiences of delivering Free Being Me in their own association.
See the daily update of Day 3:
The morning session started with a reflection through a documentary about Sudanese women’s achievements. Then we explored the WAGGGS and Free Being Me websites as well as the Free Being Me courses on GLOW, WAGGGS’ e-learning platform. In the break we watched a TV interview with leader Rim about Free Being Me in Syria.
After we explored the difference between formal and non-formal education and then looked at the 7-10 activities in small groups outside. After seeing all of the activity packs , we discussed what we learnt through leading the activities and had the chance to ask any questions about Free Being Me.
Mrs. Soumaya Abd Al-Kader presented Sudan’s plan for rolling out the program in the association. Districts were then divided, and each district was asked to make a plan of how to launch the “Free Being Me program”; all plans were presented after.
The closing ceremony was honored with the attendance of Minister of Youth and Sports, Chairman of Sudanese Scouts, Leader of air and sea Scouts and Leader of Khartoum Scouts. Several girl guides groups were also a part of the ceremony.
We are excited to roll out Free Being Me!