Dear Free Being Me friends around the world,
The second day for Free Being Me training started with “Reflection” and with a game from the activity packs that comes from Spain “Pelele”! It was a lovely active song that gave us energy and at the same time it made us look to our own self and find out the benefits of our bodies and the potential of them. This increased our body confidence and self-esteem.
We continued the activities for 11-14 year olds. Our favourite was the speech bubble where we wrote a positive message that can support our self-esteem and body confident.
We also realised that many times we use improper words, comments on physical appearance that could can make our friends feel unhappy and it reduces their body confident but through the “Body Talk” activity we discovered how to use a suitable words and to avoid these negative statements.
After we played a game in patrols to see how the five Guiding Methods are used in the Free Being Me activities. It was great and fantastic !! We loved it because we understood that Free Being Me is like all other guiding activities!
We finished the day with something really special: a skype connections with our sister Girl Guides of Malaysia!!! They are also during a Free Being Me training over the same weekend and we had the opportunity to exchange ideas about the Free Being Me project, our thoughts and our favourite activities. It was a very unique moment that brought us the international dimension of guiding!!