About this story

Name: ‘This has been the best day of my life!’ FBM in Victoria, Australia
Troop name: 1st Kaniva Guides
Country: Australia

Hello, we are a Girl Guide group in Kaniva, Victoria, in rural Australia. We ran Free Being Me for the whole of term 4 for both age brackets. The girls really enjoyed the treasure boxes, Pelele, re-designing magazine covers and the role play activities.
For our end of term break up, we held a messy day, this was a great day where the girls were able to live out what it meant to be ‘Free Being Me’. We did a range of games and activities involving shaving foam, jelly, spaghetti and flour. Needless to say it was a lot of fun, with one girl commenting “This has been the best day of my life!”
Our ‘Take Action’ project involved running a short program for all girls in the district aged 7 – 10 & 11-14 featuring the best of ‘Free Being Me’. We promoted this via radio, social media, school newsletter and local press. We had a great response and if we were to do it again, we would run it as a day program in the school holidays, as no-one wanted to go home.
Our main ‘Take Action’ community project is a photographic exhibition that features portraits of all our girls. You can find out more by clicking on this link, or if you are travelling along the Western Highway between Melbourne and Adelaide before Christmas, then pop in and have a look.
Congratulations to all who are involved in the Free Being Me program, it is a great resource which has had been very well researched.


One Response to “‘This has been the best day of my life!’ FBM in Victoria, Australia”

  1. Amjsf

    very goots scouts to love you good aim raihani abdallah president Amjsf scouts twins


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